Tuesday, December 15, 2015

morning thoughts

Im back. Just because my heart has been so full of God's stirring that I have to let it out.
Writing a blog on my iphone is not really easy, I wish there are mobile friendly blog platforms out there. Anyways, yesterday I had a fever... I don't usually get sick but when I do, most of the time it's God calling me to take a time out and be with Him. Seriously.  So I just laid silently in bed mean while God's  comfort came over me. Lots have been going on lately you know. Wedding preparations (yes, im getting married!), theft cases in our store, renovations after the fire, gasoline station papers and to add my personal business. I am just too glad to be confined in my parents room for an entire day.  That was all I need to get going. Today when I woke up I just felt God speaking to me. I was feeling angry at the world (idk why initially), but I was angry why the world is offering too much. Why there has to be many things that entertain, that take much of people's time, and  forget what God is offering---Himself. There is too much ambition in the world, and very little substance. I went angry at computer games, at series of books... when one can have perpetual bliss in dwelling in His presence. I am angry at myself why I have to pull myself back again... and why I ran away from my Lord many times. God perhaps is angry too...but at the same time He is compassionate and so loving that I cannot refuse Him. So I will let Him ardently love me... his daughter

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