Monday, September 27, 2010

Utterly me.

Whats happening over this side of the world? MY DEVO.
Luke 2:19 but Mary kept all this things and pondered them in her heart.
I have all the reasons to be emotional because I am a woman. I can cry until midnight because of unfaced insecurities, or labels like it. I can ceaselessly pretend to be okay when Im not. Most of all, I can be proud because I am loved... or have children. (RACHEL and LEAH?) But look at Mary. She had just recently tied the knot with Joseph. She had just gave birth to Jesus (in a manger). Plus the fact that their lives are in great danger because of Herod. She lived a topsy-turvy life. Period. Whats amazing about her? She kept all things and pondered them in her heart. She was not demanding nor complaining of her fate. Perhaps she feels moody often, or tired with all the moving, (or teased and pressured) but she remained grateful and humble.

I hope I could be like her, a woman with a gentle and quite spirit which is precious in Gods sight. I dont want to be carried away with the issues of life or of the heart. At best, I want to guard my heart. I may be scared of being vulnerable but it is how it works for me now. I dont want to rush things (even college)... Everything is a process..

Last thought: To be mature IS A PROCESS TOO. Wearing make-up may make me a piece of art... but I still like the way I am without it... (it's one thing my JACOB just have to accept. lol)  

1 comment:

  1. the other sunday... gitan-aw ni papa akong face... then he said to us ni Lai: "you should wear make-up."

